Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Deposit on the Future

V. and I are looking at some houses to rent today. Our son will start Prep (the equivalent of kindergarten in the U.S.) in two years, so we are also thinking about where he would go to primary school. It's a strange thing, planning for the future. We have no idea where we will be in 10 years, five years, or even two years from now. We might go back to the U.S. or end up staying here permanently. We don't really know. Yet, because we have a young child, we must consider some sort of vague plan. In fact, I just sent $375 to Brisbane Grammar School, a private school for boys that has a very good reputation, so that Will can be on the waiting list for the Year 6 class that will enter in 2017. Yes, that's more than eight years away, but we may already be too late to guarantee his admission! Of course, we are not at all certain that we will want him to go there or whether he would even want to attend it when he's older, but we didn't want to eliminate the chance of his going if we did decided in 2016 that it was the best option. 

But now it's time to figure out what we're going to have for lunch.

1 comment:

Mooselet said...

There's also BBC right there in Toowong - although their uniforms are hideous! :-) I'm a big believer in public education, and there are some really good public schools in inner Brisbane. Living outside the catchment area isn't always a problem. My older kids go to Kelvin Grove State College, which along with The Gap High School, beat out many private schools in standardized tests (if you go for that sort of thing).

Personally, lunch can be harder to figure out some days.