Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dan Rather and MOG

This past Saturday the New York Times ran a sad story about Dan Rather. It seems that Dan, the millionaire anchor for CBS news for over two decades, now spends his days going to movies by himself and reminiscing about the glory days of news. Today CBS announced that it was releasing him from his contract six months early. Dan will most likely end up on some sort of HDTV network this fall with just a mere tens of thousands of viewers. I always thought Dan was just a little over the top with his hyperbolic and folksy off-the-cuff insights, but he was my favorite anchor after Grandpa Walter retired. The beginning of the end of Dan's career was with that National Guard story on "60 Minutes II." Dan's leaving CBS is like having a favorite restaurant close. I guess it's just another reminder that all things do pass.

Between Will's micro-naps, I registered on today. I am pretty addicted to music, and even with 18GB's (17.8 days) worth of files on my iPod and iTunes, I am still looking for the next new fix. Mog is a free service that uploads the listings of your music library to the site and then allows you to search for "matches" with other people with similar music tastes. I remember a few years ago talking to my friend Scott about how we ought to develop a way to assess musical tastes as a sort of personality profile. This is the closest thing I've seen to that idea. My computer has already spent over 12 hours MOGifying my music files, and it's still not finished. I'm looking forward to discovering the musical tastes of others who can introduce me to a few good artists. You can check out my MOG profile at

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